Inexperienced search engine optimization experts can focus at times, a bit excessively on over-hyped metrics that emphasize more on quantity than quality of traffic. This can lead to a series of needless calculations and measurements, which are not only complex, but also offer precious little data and insight about a site’s SEO success and viability.

Is SEO merely about numbers?

Let me here delve deeper into all the brouhaha often generated over total number of visitors who come to your site on daily basis, apart from several SEO agencies getting worked up over the perceived (waning) social influence. Do you really need not get obsessed with these factors so much?

To start with, keeping track of the conversion rate is fine, as it can reveal how your site is doing in terms of search rankings. Of course, maintaining overall site traffic flow is an important thing, but the numbers won’t matter beyond a point unless you take steps for ensuring quick call-to-action.

Do you have a conversion optimization plan?

It is immaterial if your site attracts huge traffic unless you devise a strategy to ensure that more of them steadily convert into buyers or subscribers. First put in place a holistic website conversion rate optimization plan, before worrying about the number of visitors for greater business and increased revenue.

Social score of little consequence

Similarly, getting obsessed about your overall social influence isn’t always as productive. In realistic terms, whether your site has drawn 100 ‘likes’ or 1000 is not that critical to natural search output or performance.

There are sites or services such as PeerIndex and Klout that quantify each individual’s and brand’s relative authority in a particular industry. Some businesses get so involved in the game that they do everything possible to push their scores. I think doing so consciously is a sheer waste of time and energy.

Opt for sensible and ethical SEO

While services and scores like these may hold potential from the long-term perspective, for now they are akin to popularity contests, so instead of trying to be part of this online rush and win a superficial online race, it is advisable to focus more on your strengths as a professional and bring to fore the inherent virtues of your business enterprise with sensible and ethical SEO tweaks to improve the bottom line.

In other words, it makes more sense to pay heed to finer aspects of the broader marketing plan, including the conversion of your overall social referral traffic into actual buyers or the lead generation via your e-mail newsletter members. You may check social shares of your site just to confirm they are trending just in the expected direction. However, don’t lose your sleep over minor rise or fall in your numbers.

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