Key aspects to keep in mind for search friendly Title Tags

Let us try to follow the various key aspects that are related to HTML head tags essential for creating well-optimized pages.

Title: As you would agree, it is among the most important on-page keyword elements. The page title preferably should employ the key terms or bits of phrases as the introductory terms. It has been established that the practice can play a significant role in improving overall site rankings.

Title Tag: Add your select keyword/s right to the front of the title tag. This will make sure that search engine spiders can know what a particular webpage is about. The guesswork will thus be out, and a clear idea will emerge about its contents. Do not make use of the precisely same or similar looking title tag on each site page. Instead try to make each title tag for different pages on your website look unique.

Now we shall take a look at some of the most recommended practices to write title tags:•

  • Choose a title tag, which depicts the webpage content correctly in a correct manner.
  • Create a unique title tag, as mentioned above, for each of your site pages to assist a search engine follow how they are different from each other.
  • Use your brand or site name at the end of title tag, wherever possible. This will lead to enhanced brand awareness.
  • Avoid stuffing title tag with unnecessary keywords.• Use only relevant keyword or phrases in title tags.
  • Make use of short, albeit succinctly descriptive titles. Remember, search engines can show only a limited or permissible number of characters of your title.

There are few other key aspects to keep in mind for creating search friendly HTML head tags and meta description tags..

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