Despite your best SEO strategy and considerable expenses incurred on it, your business site still is failing to draw the requisite amount of quality traffic you expect to run your venture profitably. So what is that missing from your comprehensive SEO plan? You may wonder why and what really does it take to popularize your site or key product pages?

The higher your page rankings, the better will your Web based business do. Unfortunately, your present so-called expert resource that you have hired apparently lacks the experience and expertise to offer you a clue to your site’s poor rank position. Let me give you some useful tips to rectify the situation.

Prefer quality over quantity, value over volume

Quality invariably trumps quantity. Volume is not always a preferable option. Why not opt for value and focus instead? This is made possible through proper planning broader vision and a holistic approach. Backlink quality is of prime importance. It is better to have a few number of good quality links than countless crappy ones.

A quality backlink is a definite endorsement of your website, in some way, from an authoritative and trustworthy resource. Such a link is often one pointing to an informative article or a webpage on your website relevant to the domain. When the content, the anchor text, as well as the page that is being linked to are woven around the same topic, the search engine will perceive that as a quality link. Such links help in boosting your search engine positions.

Emphasize on domain relevance, authority and consistency

Relevance to domain, legitimacy and consistency does matter a great deal, while pursuing search engine friendliness. These are three key factors that will do the trick for you as far as obtaining good links from the leading domain specific sites is concerned. In other words, pursue only a handful of links instead of launching the exercise on a massive scale. You should try to get them from credible and non-spam sites pertinent to your content.

When you create an interesting, useful and topical, or informative and user friendly blog post, you have created a ‘linkbait’, implying content that others would want to link to and also share it on their own blog platforms, on their Facebook pages, in their Twitter streams, on their LinkedIn accounts, or on some popular online forum. Search engines now take into account Twitter and Facebook data for the ranking purpose, and treat such links as public endorsement of your content.

We shall learn more secrets of successful link building in next post of the series..

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